This dedicated group of artists meets at the Art Center every Thursday evening at 5:30pm to create, share and learn from each other. Guided by Mariclare Sheil, Thursday evening Open Studio Group welcomes all artist working in any medium to join them anytime! Beloit Art Center is happy to announce this month’s exhibits, which will open on Friday, December 1. The Art Center will be open for extended hours from 5pm – 9pm in conjunction with the downtown Holidazzle Event. Stop for a cup of German Gluwein, a hot spiced wine served at the outdoor Christmas markets in Europe. At 6pm there will be a Gallery Talk. The Art Center Gift Shop is the perfect place to find unique holiday gifts for friends and family while supporting local artists. In the Sveum Gallery, join us as we celebrate and welcome the Beloit Art Center Studio Art Group, featuring artists Alice Blue, Leslie Crowhurst, Connie Fry, John Hines, Ian Hobson, Gigi Mullen, Colleen Roberts, Mariclare Sheil, and Norm Starks. The Studio Art Group meets weekly to work on projects and talk about art. A studio leader helps with tips and techniques. All mediums and skill levels are welcome to participate.
Don’t miss the Upcycled Holiday Cards…With Postage Stamps class coming up on Saturday, December 2nd, from 10am-12pm The cost is $20 per person for materials. Join BOBBI SAMPSON in this fun winter class! Whether mailing a letter or adding to your collection, postage stamps are anything but humble! With an assortment of used stamps and a bit of Mod Podge, Bobbi will help you create two beautiful holiday cards to keep or send! Class size is limited to 15 students, age 10+. Pre-registration is required by visiting Beloit Art Center is located at 520 E. Grand Ave. in downtown Beloit. The gallery is free and open to the public. Gallery and gift shop hours are Monday 10 am – 2 pm, Tuesday – Friday 10 am – 5 pm and Saturday 10 am – 2 pm. Comments are closed.
December 2024