Every year the Beloit Art Center participates with twenty four other regional sponsors hosting juried art shows statewide in what is called the Wisconsin Regional Art Program (WRAP). The Wisconsin Regional Art Program (WRAP) encourages nonprofessional, student, and emerging artists to create and exhibit their work across Wisconsin. It is for people who have a serious interest in art and create pieces for the love of art. WRAP originated as an outreach program of UW-Madison but is now administered by the Association of Wisconsin Artists (AWA) and is also associated with the University of Wisconsin Art Department. The Beloit Art Center’s regional show was held in November of 2020. WRAP encourages artists at all levels to practice their craft and show their work. In addition to the juried art show, regional exhibits include a workshop day for participating artists and the public in which a guest artist gives a lecture or demonstration followed by an educational critique of the exhibited artwork led by the exhibit judge. Local award winners get to exhibit their work at the annual State Exhibit and are judged to win state level awards. This year’s WRAP/AWA State Exhibit & Conference started August 12 and runs through September 25. It is being held at the Pyle Center at UW Madison. Local award-winning artists will be recognized and receive their awards at the state conference awards presentation on September 25, at 1:00pm. Beloit Art Center is proud to announce our local State Award winning artists from the Beloit Art Center’s Regional Show include the following: Tom Murn, Nancy Mayhew, Jacki Prisk, John Hines, and Turner High School student Maura Spain. Tom Murn’s entry “Blackbox2”, a 3D sculpture, was selected for the Shake Rag Alley Award. Nancy Mayhew was awarded the Francis Kipp Award for Creativity for her mosaic piece titled “Into the Woods". Jacki Prisk of Edgerton won the Marge Engelman award for her painting titled “Say Their Names”. John Hines was chosen for the Aron & Ruth Bohrod Award for his painting titled “Time with Dad”. Turner High School student Maura Spain was selected for the Duck Lake State award for her piece in the STAMP division (Statewide Teen Art Mentoring Program) sponsored by her teacher / mentor Annie Dudgeon. Once again, this November, the Beloit Art Center will be hosting the Wisconsin Regional Art Program exhibit/workshop for our area. The next show for Beloit WRAP is coming up quickly. For any local artist that may wish to participate, use the online entry form at wiscartists.org . The fee to enter is $30 and should be sent to the Beloit Art Center, 520 E Grand Ave., Beloit, WI 53511. The deadline to enter is Saturday, October 23rd. ENTRY IS OPEN NOW! Entrants should deliver their art to Beloit Art Center on Friday, October 29th (open 10AM close 5 PM) or on Saturday, October 30th (open 10 AM close 2 PM). The opening reception for the Beloit WRAP 2021 will be held on Friday, November 5th from 5 PM to 7 PM. The show is free and open to the public. The WRAP workshop and art pickup is on Saturday, November 27th. The workshop will run from 9 AM until 1 PM. Art pickup follows until 2 PM. Comments are closed.
February 2025